Well those homemade deep fried doughnuts were a surefire hit around here and I hope everyone gets a chance to make the treats themselves sometime.Definitely to delicious to pass up the recipe opportunity;however with that being said I couldn't just pass this chapter up and not test out another "cakey treats" for everyone. So for me I chose a treat that everyone should know based on one of the all popular hostess products. Now its not the Twinkie like most will guess, its actually the iconic creamed filled "Chocolate Hostess Cupcake" with the signature glaze and icing doodle.These are actually a store bought cupcake I have never tried myself;however don't worry I had tester's by me to compare the homemade version. So to start with I found that the recipe was pretty simply layout with detailed directions.It also included quite a bit of ingredients that were luckily inexpensive.Now the recipe for the cupcake section was like any...