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Review of Ferran "The Inside Story Of El Bulli And The Man Who Reinvented Food By Colman Andrews

 Back in November, I was contacted by Penguin Group USA  and asked if I like to review a chef biography for my blog.I was quite apprehensive at first about accepting because it was my first company review and I've never read a biography before.So the subject matter sacred me off, but I thought about it and a took shot at it.So I hope everyone enjoys.

So here we go...

My honest opinion about the book is, it was a little hard to get through because I'm not one to read about chef's and restaurants.I'm more into books about food photography and recipes.

The writing wasn't really my cup of tea. I would say it was alright. It was somewhat slow and most of the time pretty dry. The worst part I would say is many times I would get confused to what is going on in the story because it would jump from topic to topic.It really lacked something to keep the reader entertained and absorbed into the biography. However don't get me wrong. Their were some really interesting and inspiring parts in this book despite its flaws.

What was interesting was learning about the intriguing, mysterious and creative man of Chef Ferran Adria.Also, learning about  how El Bulli restaurant came to be and how it transformed to what it is now. Those topics kept me reading even though it was a struggle.I really wish it was either written by a different author or Ferran himself.He's the only one that can really get his point across.
 What I really got from this biography is a man that loves to experiment and take risks.This the first time ever hearing or learning about Chef Ferran Adria.So I had no judgement towards him since I knew nothing till now. Throughout the book, you learn that many people boast about him, including the author himself.You read it a little to much to be honest. But once you get over that you learn that it is true.He has affected the world of food in a large way.He has created ideas and cooking methods that you and me may not even fully understand or be able to preform. Their are dishes that the author describes that are served at El Bulli that are completely bizarre, but creative genius.If you want to learn more about El Bulli and its new dramatic changes, check out their website. Here

However whats really interesting about him is not his skills, but learning who this man is. It's intriguing to read about, what he does in his spare time, learning about his personality and his creativity.I like reading about people's lives and how they have become who they are overtime. 

He's a passionate person like anyone that has something really important to them.I like learning what's behind the person and removing all the hype.I see him as a person and not just a high profile Chef.

This book isn't perfect by any means. The writing could be more entertaining and the chapters could be better organize and the book could be shorter.However it does get across in its own way how Ferran has changed the world of food and how he has become what he is now. All I can say is this book as  achieved teaching me who Chef Ferran is.

Anyways, I like to thank Penguin Group USA for offering me to review this book. I love to work with the company again in the future.

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